
What is SEO?

SEO is short for "Search Engine Optimization." At the very root, it would appear to be something invaluable to a business. Using SEO a website, theoretically, can manipulate its place in search engine rankings. Unfortunately, abuse of SEO by unscrupulous businesses over the years has caused it to go out of vogue.

In the past, a web designer could use meta tags in his code to show search bots exactly what his web site deals with. Abuse of these tags by inserting popular search terms (like "sex") to boost search engine ranking has led most search engines to ignore meta tagging. Instead, A List Apart suggests coming up with the keywords most relevant to your audience and being sure to insert them into your body copy. Insuring that your site usage and search results come organically is the best way to secure your space on search pages. Be subtle! If you're too aggressive, search engines will consider you a threat and bump you from their results pages.

These days, the most popular search engines, such as Yahoo! and Google, don't shed much light on their search algorithms to ensure that there is no abuse. Google itself makes it quite clear that there is no magic way to make your site appear as the number one search result. Overall, SEO is tied into accessibility. If you ensure that your website is clear, concise, and relevant, your users will both thank you and be able to find you easily. Their traffic will be what ensures your search engine standing.

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