
Goals for this Class

Here goes my first post! I have never used Blogger before, though I always wanted to start up an account. Hopefully I'll learn my way around this thing soon enough.

My goals for this course and for my degree in general are to LEARN as much as I can. "Graphic Design" has always been sort of an abstract concept to me, considering I always wanted to draw comics. I understand creating a product to fulfill a need, but I never researched the means of doing so. Firstly, I want to learn my way around computers much more. I have always been more fond of real media, and so I have tended to do as little in Photoshop and the like as possible. Last year was the first time I had even touched Illustrator!

Secondly, I want to learn more about the business in general. I don't know much at all about how things work and how I would go about getting a bonafide graphic design job! I also need to work on having more confidence in myself. Things like job interviews and critiques have always scared the tar out of me.

A last thing I would really like to improve upon is my illustrative style. My stuff has always been really cutesy, bright and cartoony. I would like to move away from that. I also have a pretty strong "anime" look to my work that turns a lot of people off. Despite these things, I do feel I have a unique style that defines my work and I don't want to move TOO far away from that.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, it sounds like you have your priorities in order and that you know what you want to accomplish. I hope that we can address learning more about the business of graphic design as the semester continues. There is a local illustrator, in case you weren't aware, his name is Jacob Walker. Here's a link to his site, check it out: http://www.elijahart.com/
