Dot Dot Dot Dot Dash Dash Dash. Or is it the other way around? I don't know morse code.
So anyway! Gonna get caught up on my projects, here! This is the first site design Dave had us do for Web Design I. The project entailed taking a box from home and turning every side of it into a site! A much taller order than I suspected it would be, probably because I picked a box with a lot of redundant information on it.
But I picked the box I did because it had cute graphics on it.
(S.O.S is a marvelous product, by the way. I just recently started living by myself and cooking, and this makes cleaning up so crazy easy...)
Of course, the first thing we had to do was sketch out our plans...
I pretty much knew what I wanted as far as layout goes. I thought it would be neat to use the tab as a navigation button of sorts. I pretty much knew what graphics I wanted for the main page as well. I think perhaps Dave suggested some lavender in the background to make it more interesting.
Originally I tried a photo of some lavender fields, vector traced to better match the illustrations. Nobody really liked it, and looking at it myself I thought it kinda looked like somebody's head... Braided into purple corn rows. SO instead I headed on over to the Old Stock Exchange and found me a nice photograph of some lavender flowers. Everything started to come together after that!
I redid the logo and left out the bevels and the lens flare. I think most people would agree it's an improvement... And then I redrew the lavender in Illustrator, which was fun.
Next was the "Uses" page, which took up the back of the box. That had the neato graphics that I liked so much. I tried reproducing them in Illustrator but they just didn't look right... Instead I cleaned up the box scans I did in Photoshop and just plopped them in. The effect I wanted on the page was for the user to be able to scroll over an image and cause it to roll to the side, revealing the uses for that area.
Last came the "Green" page... The only other page I could really glean out of the content on the box. It's a pretty minimalistic design, haha! Nothing much to say about this one.
And there you have it! My first website design (for a grade)!
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